Mother Natures Tree Service
Serving your community for more than twenty years


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    An arborist can determine the type of pruning necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance, and safety of trees. These techniques include
    • eliminating branches that rub each other
    • removing limbs that interfere with wires, building facades, gutters, roofs, chimneys, or windows, or that obstruct streets or sidewalks
    • removing dead or weak limbs that pose a hazard or may lead to decay
    • removing diseased or insect-infested limbs
    • creating better structure to lessen wind resistance and reduce the potential for storm damage
    • training young trees
    • removing limbs damaged by adverse weather conditions
    • removing branches, or thinning, to increase light penetration
    • improving the shape or silhouette of the tree


    Although tree removal is a last resort, there are circumstances when it is necessary. An arborist can help decide whether a tree should be removed. Arborists have the skills and equipment to safely and efficiently remove trees. Removal is recommended when the tree

    • is dead or dying
    • is considered irreparably hazardous
    • is causing an obstruction that is impossible to correct through pruning
    • is crowding and causing harm to other trees
    • is to be replaced by a more suitable specimen
    • is located in an area where new construction requires removal

Emergency Service

    Storms may cause limbs or entire trees to fall, often landing on other trees, homes and other structures, or cars. The weight of storm-damaged trees is great, and they can be dangerous to remove or trim. An arborist can assist in performing the job in a safe manner, while reducing further risk of damage to property.

We Staff Certified Aborists
Mother Natures Tree
Service is a proud member  of the ISA


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